Mathematics – Mrs N. Pickering-Ernst

Mathematics at Cotteridge Primary School routinely embeds the three aims of the National Curriculum into daily practice. Children are encouraged to be fluent through daily counting and mental maths sessions. Our Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) ensure the most important facts are practised over a half term to ensure they are well-embedded. Children explore number and practise recall through number fact activities, number relationship tasks and the practice of inverse operations. A wide range of opportunities to apply these skills are offered through a range of question types, problems and puzzles, which ensures the knowledge and understanding children have are of depth and breadth.

Maths is made real, with scenarios children can relate to. We encourage children to reason within mathematics, using mathematical language and sentence stems to discuss learning, explain thought processes and determine conclusions. Our lesson structure ensures children are both supported and challenged. Children follow the Concrete-Pictoral-Abstract model in order to make links and build on concepts. Concepts are explored, with clear models, to ensure structures and relationships are understood.

The maths curriculum is mapped out to ensure the complete coverage of the mathematics objectives. Our progression document and written calculation document is robust and ensures objectives and written calculations are taught consistently so children can build on prior learning and extend methods as they progress through the school. Content is broken down into small steps and sequenced so children build on prior learning and have a deep understanding before moving on to new content. Children also have the opportunity for retrieval practice, which enables them to recall prior learning.

At Cotteridge Primary School our standards and expectations are high. We strive for all pupils to perform at their best and to achieve their mathematical potential under our specific, creative, supportive and challenging curriculum. Please look in individual year group pages for information on Maths National Curriculum Programme of Study. 

Maths National Curriculum Programme of Study