Welcome to Cotteridge Primary School

It matters to us that all students are happy and love coming to school

Our Curriculum provides rich creative opportunities that inspire children. Educational visits ignite imagination, curiosity and creativity

Pupils are taught to evaluate and analyse so they know what success looks like

Our children learn to work together in groups, classes and houses. They understand how to collaborate with one another.

Achieving Excellence Inspiring Dreams

Welcome To Cotteridge Primary School

Cotteridge is a school that values creativity, independence, resilience and compassion through the opportunities that we provide. We believe that every child deserves a world class education that sparks their curiosity and love of learning.

Our vision is to ignite and develop the highest aspirations for our pupils providing them with a primary education that they will cherish for life. We are committed in striving for academic excellence, coupled with a safe, happy and enriching environment. 

At our school we are proud that we 

  • Have excellent academic standards.

  • Develop and support children’s aspirations, helping them to become lifelong learners.

  • Give learning a real purpose by making links to real life experiences wherever we can.

  • Foster a spirit of resilience, perseverance and positive attitudes within our school community.

  • Recognise all our children as being unique, precious and amazing!

Are you ready for the journey to begin..?




Do you have a child due to start Reception or Nursery in September 2024?

We are offering two open day sessions on:
Thursday 16th November at 9:30am
Tuesday 21st November at 9:30am

You will have an introduction from the Headteacher and a tour of the school.
No booking required, just come and see us in action.


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