‘Cotteridge is a school that values creativity, independence, resilience and compassion through the opportunities that we provide. We believe that every child deserves a world class education that sparks their curiosity and love of learning.’
From the moment I looked around the school, prior to the start of my role here in January 2020, I fell in love with our school; should you come and have a look around for yourself, we think you will, too.
At Cotteridge, our vision is to ignite and develop the highest aspirations for our pupils providing them with a primary education that they will cherish for life.
We are committed in striving for academic excellence, coupled with a safe, happy and enriching environment. Resilience, aspirations and the willingness and ability to take risks, believe in oneself and learn from mistakes are qualities that we believe are essential and we commit a lot of time and effort into helping our children and staff be the best versions of themselves. We take great pride in the broad and exciting curriculum we offer our children and the range of support they receive in order to thrive.
Our school enjoys close links with parents and the community, and we have a strong reputation within it. Numbers have increased over the last ten years and we are full in most year groups. Results are consistently good and improving in most areas of the school and the future continues to look bright for our children.
If you have any interest in our school, in any capacity, please come and see for yourself the wonderful things that go on at Cotteridge Primary. We’re sure you will pick up on the happy atmosphere, the excellent behaviour, the buzz of learning and quality curriculum being delivered.
Jason Willetts, Head teacher