“Additional funding is used to provide appropriate support to disadvantaged pupils and their families. High-quality pastoral support ensures that pupils are ready to learn. Support for speech and language is provided at the earliest opportunity. After-school clubs and visits provide a chance for pupils to gain first-hand experiences. These opportunities develop their skills, knowledge and understanding. Governors monitor and evaluate the use of additional funding to support disadvantaged pupils. They ensure that it is spent well and that pupils are making good progress as a result.” – Ofsted
Key Principles for the use of the Pupil Premium at Cotteridge Primary School
- The school never confuses eligibility for the pupil premium with low ability, and focuses on supporting disadvantaged pupils to achieve the highest levels.
- The school thoroughly analyses which pupils are underachieving, particularly in English, mathematics and science, and why.
- The school draws upon evidence from its own, and others’ experience in order to allocate funding to activities that are most likely to have an impact on improving pupils’ achievement.
- The school uses achievement data regularly and robustly, to check whether interventions or techniques are working and makes adjustments accordingly. The school does not simply use data retrospectively to see if something has worked.
- The school ensures that the Senior Leadership Team and governors, have a clear overview of how funding is allocated. They review the difference it is making to the outcomes of pupils on a termly basis.
- The school ensures that class and subject teachers know which pupils are eligible for the pupil premium so that they can take responsibility for accelerating progress.
- The school successfully uses pupil premium funding to tackle a range of issues, e.g. attendance, behaviour, confidence, resilience, reading, factors outside of school, effective teaching and learning, literacy support, targeted support, further enrichment and so on.
The impact of the use of pupil premium funding is always measured and reviewed and Ofsted noted how successful the school is in this area.
The Governing Body has spent (during previous academic years) and is spending (during the current academic year) the school’s Pupil Premium funding in the following ways:
- Employing additional staff to provide extra support for Pupil Premium pupils.
- Funding a Pastoral Support Team to support parents in helping their children to engage in learning and to support Pupil Premium pupils in overcoming barriers to learning and to develop positive attitudes to all aspects to school life.
- Purchasing additional resources to support English and mathematics for Pupil Premium pupils.
- Providing small group tuition, support and catch-up programmes, including reading and speech and language.
- Enabling all Pupil Premium Pupils access to educational visits, clubs and residentials by subsidising activities.
The Governing Body rigorously monitors the progress of disadvantaged pupils and the impact of the school’s Pupil Premium Strategy. This is done on a termly basis.
From 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, received £178,965
Academic Year 23/24
Academic Year 22/23
Academic Year 21/22
Our Pupil Premium Champion is Mrs K. Darby.