We want all our pupils to make the most of their time here at Cotteridge Primary School, so every effort is made to remove obstacles to learning and to equip our children with the confidence and skills needed to be successful learners and effective global citizens.
Our aim is to:
- Provide an environment which supports the emotional health and wellbeing of all pupils.
- Support individual children with targeted interventions to develop social, emotional and behavioural skills within the class setting.
- Support and empower families who may be experiencing difficulties.
- Promote the relationship between school and home.
Our Learning Mentor, Mrs L Smith is able to deliver individual or small group interventions for such issues as bereavement, anger management and increasing self-esteem, as well as exploring other barriers to learning that may be impacting on school life.
Our Pastoral Manager, Mrs Burnett, as well as working with our school SENDCo and Learning Mentor to support children’s emotional wellbeing in school, also works in a multi-agency capacity alongside other agencies such as Attendance Officers, School Health Team, Health Visitors, G.P’s, Housing and Children’s Services.