Schools are run by a Governing Body working with the Headteacher and Senior Management Team to ensure pupils get a good education. The Governing Body of a school is responsible for ensuring that it is run to promote pupil achievement. The Governing Body is made up of parent, staff, local authority and co-opted representatives.

Priorities include:

  • Setting strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • Approving the school budget
  • Reviewing progress against the school’s budget and objectives. The link to the school’s financial benchmarking service can be found here
  • Supporting the Headteacher and acting as a ‘critical friend’
  • Evaluating the school’s performance through results and data

Governing Bodies make their decisions based on the advice of committees that deal with specific issues. In addition to full Governing Body meetings, governors also meet as part of the following committees: Premises/Finance/Pay & Conditions/Staffing/Standards & Achievement.

Parents are welcome to contact a Governor directly. Governors are often to be found at the school at the start and end of the school day and are approachable.

If you wish to write to a specific Governor, this can be done by addressing the letter and handing the letter in at school reception for the Governor concerned. Letters to the Governing Body as a whole should be addressed to the Chair and delivered in the same manner.

While we welcome letters and value your comments, initial complaints and issues relating to the day to day running of the school, should in the first instance, be referred to the Headteacher.

Sarah Tomlinson

Chair of Governors

Kim Taylor

Staff Governor

Emily Holden

Parent Governor

Sarah Charlton

Vice Chair  of Governor

Cath Keast

LA Governor

Adam Jarvis

Parent Governor

Nazneen Mahmood

Parent Governor

Max Woolf

Co-opted Governor

Chris Hamlett

Parent Governor

Jason Willetts


The Governing Body Details



Name Category Positions of responsibility Term of Office Date Stepped down Relevant Business Interests to being a Governor at this school Other establishments they govern Attendance for Academic Year 2023/2024
Mrs Sarah Tomlinson Co-opted Governor Chair of Governors, Safer Recruitment 06/10/17 to
05/10/ 25

Employed Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP

George Sidaway Charitable Trust

None 100%
Mrs Sarah Charlton


Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair of Governors & SEND Governor 06/10/17 to
None None 71%

Mrs Catherine Keast


LA Governor

School Improvement, Data & OUtcomes SDP/SEF Evaluation 

18/11/2024 to 17/11/28


Birmingham Education Partnership

Krunch UK

Yardley Primary School Co-opted Governor


None N/A

Mrs Nazneen Mahmood

Parent Governor Finance and Inclusion & Diversity Governor 25/01/21 to
None None 71%
Mr Chris Hamlett Parent Governor Training / Skills Governor

21/11/22 to 20/11/26


Employed at Birmingham Universiry

Member of Royal Society of Chemistry

None 100%

Mr Max Woolf


Co-opted Governor IT Governor

20/11/23 to


Trustee at Friends of Coteridge Park None 80%
Mrs Caroline Barlow Parent Governor Safeguarging / Child Protection Governor 25/01/21 to
24/01/25 Teacher  Worlds End Junior School None 71%
Mrs Kim Taylor Staff Governor 14/10/24 to 13/10/28 None Employed at Cotteridge as Class Teacher N/A
Mr Jason Willetts Headteacher 01/01/20

Spouse self employed in school as a piano teacher

Turstee at Cotteridge Park

None 100%

Governors can be contacted through the school.

Governor Diversity

As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:

  • target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity
  • develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation
  • prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas
  • address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks

However, we are unable to publish this information as it would mean that individual members of our governing body are identifiable. We do have a Diversity and Inclusion Governor.