Parent Teacher Association

The PTA is a group of parents and teachers who meet to organise events to raise money for the school, for charity, and also provide social activities for members of the school community.

Every parent / carer is automatically a member of the PTA and is welcome to join in all activities. If you would like to get more involved extra help is always welcome! Please email to register your interest

From now on we will use the website to promote our events, update with fundraising news and sell tickets/ school uniform, etc. So please visit Cotteridge PTA Events for more information.


Our Constitution


Christmas Grotto and Fayre

Christmas Grotto and Fayre

The PTA Grotto and Christmas Fayre  was a very successful event last Friday. Many children were fortunate to see Santa in his Grotto and ask him questions, ably assisted by his two elves. Families also enjoyed the stalls at the fayre which included a Tombola, Guess...

P.T.A. Welcome Picnic 2018

P.T.A. Welcome Picnic 2018

What a fantastic turnout for our second picnic to welcome our new EYFS children and their families to Cotteridge School. We hope you enjoyed yourselves and were able to meet some of your children's new friends.  

PTA  Quiz Night

PTA Quiz Night

Another evening of fun and laughter at our Quiz night. Thanks to all those who came and supported our fundraising-tonight you helped raise £212 towards floodlighting for our junior playground. Congratulations to the winners "The Fabulous Five" who may need to change...

Wall Update

Wall Update

Wow! take a look at our wall in the junior playground.A very special thanks to Mr Mellon-Woods for making ,donating and installing the boards.

EYFS Welcome Picnic

EYFS Welcome Picnic

The PTA held their first Welcome Picnic for all new families at school. The rain did not dampen our spirits and a good time was had by all.  

PTA Cake Sale

PTA Cake Sale

On the 12th of May the PTA are holding a cake sale at 3:00pm in the Infant playground. We would be delighted if you could send in donations with your child. Thanking you in advance for your continued support.