PSHE Intent – Miss S. Jeffery

At Cotteridge School, we believe that, through our Personal, Social Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum, covered by a comprehensive and up to date set of lessons and resources from Jigsaw, our children will be able to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work. These skills include:

  • Understanding of what is meant by a healthy lifestyle
  • Be aware of safety issues including E-Safety and being safe online. These issues are covered robustly through detailed lessons from Project Evolve.
  • Being thoughtful and responsible members of our school and community
  • Developing self-confidence
  • Making informed choices regarding personal and social issues
  • Developing good relationships with peers
  • The school follows Statutory Relationships Education Guidance.

At Cotteridge School we believe that Relationships and Sex Education needs to be taught in a sensitive manner and at an age appropriate level. We communicate with parents on the content of sex education lessons in school, enabling parents to discuss any concerns they may have and view the teaching materials before the sessions occur.