
At Cotteridge Primary School we understand the value that sport and exercise plays in the lives of our pupils.   

The Physical Education curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities that we provide are designed to support and contribute to the aims of the school by offering appropriate challenges that allow pupils to develop physically, socially and intellectually. The curriculum is designed to enable pupils to build upon and develop an array of skills as they progress through the school. 

We have used, and continue to use, the Primary PE & Sport Premium to enhance provision in the following ways: 

  1. Acquistion of quality-assured equipment for PE/sport 
  2. Providing existing staff with on-going professional development opportunities and resources to help them teach PE/sport more effectively 
  3. The engagement of pupils in extra curricular physical activity through funded, varied after school clubs across Key Stage 1 and 2.  
  4. Affiliation with Central Sports Partnership, which provides a myriad of enhancements to our provision, including: expert coaching, external competitions, transport to competitions, staff professional development and play leader training.  
  5. Swimming teaching/coaching- including transport and hire of facilities.  

Impact and Sustainability  

Primary PE/Sports funding enables the school to continue to provide excellent PE opportunities for all pupils. The PE curriculum has been enhanced by the purchase of new equipment as well as providing staff with access to lesson plans and resources developed by highly experienced experts. At Cotteridge, when expert coaches lead the PE lessons, the children benefit from highquality teaching, and the teachers receive specific professional development. Spending the funding in this way upskills teachers enabling them to improve their future practice. 

The PE curriculum is more inclusive because of these enhancements and the provision continues to improve. The effect of the PE & Sport Premium on pupils has been, and remains, to increase participation in sport as well as improving pupils’ awareness of how to live a fit and healthy life. The wider opportunities available to pupils as a result of the school’s use of this funding has also helped improve pupils’ achievement and attitude to PE. 


For the financial year allocation please see the full details and how we plan to spend the money in the attached report.