Parent Teacher Association
The PTA is a group of parents and teachers who meet to organise events to raise money for the school, for charity, and also provide social activities for members of the school community.
Every parent / carer is automatically a member of the PTA and is welcome to join in all activities. If you would like to get more involved extra help is always welcome! Please email to register your interest
From now on we will use the website to promote our events, update with fundraising news and sell tickets/ school uniform, etc. So please visit Cotteridge PTA Events for more information.
Our Constitution
PTA Quiz Night Great Success
Friday night saw the first PTA fundraising event of 2017, we are pleased to say that our Quiz Night was a great success. The quiz was held in the Junior Hall and Parents brought their own drinks and snacks. CONGRATULATIONS to winning team 'Fabulous Five' and...